How to update file preview

Copper Contributor

How come the file preview is not updated on the planner task if the attached file or share point link is updated?

The picture stays the same unless you remove the file, rename it and then re-attach it.

Has anybody else experience with this problem? Solution suggestions?


3 Replies



Well, I've just tried this out some and the experience is very mixed! Sometimes it changes, sometimes it don't! Id suggest creating a ticket to make them aware..I'll also raise this at the next Planner AMA!!


Med vänlig hälsning / Adam

Thanks for your feedback Adam.

Im very new to this forum and I have not succeed in finding info on how to create a ticket.

Can you give me a quick pointer?

@adam deltinger 


You do this through the admin portal! If you’re not an admin you need to ask them!
This seems like a bug or shortcoming so I don’t think they will be able to fix it, but at least they will get a record of it!
I’ll also suggest creating a user voice and name it BUG in the beginning of the title: