How To have repeatable business processes in Planner - Employee Onboarding

Bronze Contributor

We are looking for a way to have repeatable checklists or business processes in Teams/Planner. For example, for each employee onboarding there is a pre-employment checklist, a Day 1 checklist, and a follow up checklist.  We would like standardized templates of tasks with assignments and be able to copy the template for new employee X.


* we have looked at creating a template Teams and using Power Automate, but it was kludgy

* we are currently looking at Asana but want it to be Teams bases

* we are considering other third party tools like

Employee onboarding is one process, we have 20-30 more that we could do.


What are people using for this? Planner-native or third party tools? Do any third party tools play nice with Planner/ToDo?


I also say the thread on "Copying a Bucket" which could be an option if ever implemented.



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