Heartfelt request for support - help needed to create the Virtulal Microphone

Copper Contributor

Heartfelt request for support - help needed to create the Wirtulan Microphone - as an application available for Android. I have an Nvidia Shield device that doesn't have a built-in Microphone. It needs to create apps available for AndroidOS Pie 9 - which can act as a built-in internal microphone for audio. I urgently need this contact with the team of Developers who created applications Bing Translator / Microsoft Translator.


Unfortunately, the Nvidia Shield TV does not have an internal Microphone and I do not have the ability to run real-time language translation applications.


I would like to ask you very warmly for your support. Please help me remotely.


6 Replies



I would like to ask you very warmly for your support. Please send me a contact to the Microsoft Application Developer/Bing Translator.



Hello, is it possible to create applications - such as an internal microphone?

I would like to ask you very warmly for your support. It is also looking to contact the Developer from Microsoft to create an application that will act as an internal microphone on your Nvidia Shield TV.


For me, the same does not work on nvidia shield language translation device by language translation applications. Likewise, my Nvidia Shield device does not have a built-in microphone for language translation.


I urgently need your support because I also need to use a language translator and I do not have a built-in internal microphone in the device Nvidia Shield TV console. From the depths of my heart, I am asking you very warmly for your support. Please help me send an up-to-date contact to the Developer - a person who can help me and my predecessor create applications through Microsoft tools in the application development platform. From the bottom of my heart, I ask you dear users of this forum for an answer or through Microsoft Azure it is possible to create applications for Android OS? Dear users of the Microsoft Community Forum, I am not an expert in Application Programming for AndroidOS, nor am I an expert in application development for the Windows platform. Due to the fact that it is technically not possible at the moment to start the internal microphone - that is, the built-in one - because physically it is not there in this device - I am asking you very warmly for your technical support. I ask you to support you. I need to get in touch with the person who is the programmer and can help program me apps - an internal microphone for the Nvidia Shield TV device, for Android Pie 9.



You urgently need your support. From the depths of my heart, I am asking you very warmly for your support. I ask you to come back. Send a contact to the Developer, Developer - who can help you with step-by-step help in programming / creating applications for Android TV Pie 9. - virtual microphone that can replace the built-in physical microphone. Unfortunately, but the lack of a physical microphone in the Nvidia Shield TV console causes a big problem - which is that the use of the Nvidia Shield TV console becomes problematic without a language translation application.


You urgently need your support. From the depths of my heart, I am asking you very warmly for your support. I ask you to come back. Send a contact to the Developer, Developer - who can help you with step-by-step help in programming / creating applications for Android TV Pie 9. - virtual microphone that can replace the built-in physical microphone. Unfortunately, but the lack of a physical microphone in the Nvidia Shield TV console causes a big problem - which is that the use of the Nvidia Shield TV console becomes problematic without a language translation application.


From the depths of my heart, I am asking you very warmly for your support. Please send a contact to microsoft developer/developer in response.


Silncerley LukeSlovian



Dear Microsoft Customer Support could create applications that would work as an internal microphone for AndroidOS Pie 9? For Microsoft Windows 10 Pro platform there is a great application that acts as an application that can disable the internal microphone and speakers. This app is called Virtulal Cable.




Sincerley LukeSlovian