Vetting status problem + unable to update app on Microsoft Store

Copper Contributor

Out of the blue, suddenly, after everything was just fine before, my Partner Center account's vetting status turned to "Rejected".  This prevents uploading Microsoft Store app updates to the store, and the UI provided gives absolutely no option to rectify this (unable to upload any documents or do any action).


I have already opened two support tickets with the "Services Hub" and their status remains open for a few days already.


What can be done here? After spending hours to find a solution, no suggested course of action seems to work. Microsoft is making it super difficult to update the Microsoft Store, and frankly we are considering dropping this distribution method altogether. 


Can someone from Microsoft help me here?


4 Replies

@JohnHyams Sorry to hear of your troubles here, I have moved your post to our Partner Verification discussion board. You are doing all the correct things, here is a post on how to appeal a rejected verification.


Support will respond, it just takes them a while as there are many partners in your same situation. Hopefully the above helps! 

@justinroyal would you know anything about this as it's around the app store? Tagging you just in case you have seen this before and can help direct this partner. Thank you! 

Thank you @JillArmour.  The problem is that the Fix Now button is just not there.  See the attached screen capture.



@JillArmour, as you can see in my Nov 21 reply, the button for fixing it is not there. What should I do? Two support tickets that I opened are still on open status...