Shareable links in Outlook - recipient doesn't have access to this link

Copper Contributor


I am trying to send a link on file stored in my Teams. I need to send it to some users that are not members of my team. In Link settings, I set Recipients of this message but still got a an error that Some recipients don't have access to link in your message.

I thought that setting Recipients of this message grants access to this file for recipients, or does it not?

Does anybody has same problem or it's something wrong in our tenant?


1 Reply
I answer late and sorry I don't have a solution.

But I have the same problem when I try to share a Onedrive file by mail (OWA). I insert a file in the mail to a recipient.

Weeks ago the sharing was done automatically. But now I receive a reply from Microsoft Outlook with Object : "Something went wrong while we were giving recipients access to the file." And the recipient has no access to the file.

I have a case open at Microsoft since 1 month but they talk about closing it because I'm the only one to see the problem in my company and I don't understand why.

It was working before.