Searching for Phrases does not work

Copper Contributor



Searching for exact phrases in Outlook is no longer working for me. 

When my search phrase is "brown dog" I get a result set that includes every email with "brown" and every email with "dog".

2 Replies

Hi @Frege42 ,

I'm not sure why you're replying to me instead of the Microsoft guy.  Due to numerous problems with Outlook, I don't really use it anymore.  I would suggest Google Workspace or gmail, but even there, ironically, search doesn't work well. 

@Frege42 Hello! You've posted on a thread about searching for phrases directly on the Microsoft Tech Community website. That thread is unrelated to doing searches on Outlook, so I've moved your comment into a separate thread in the Outlook discussion space. Please post Outlook related questions and comments there in the future. (You can find this and other product discussion spaces in the future through the Community Hubs page.)