Random black dots in Outlook

Copper Contributor

Hi all,


More of a curiosity as they don't seem to cause any issues, but can anyone identify what the black dots may be in the below screenshot? They disappear when you mouse over the email they are within. They also appear on the tasks pane.




2 Replies

@IpromithiusI I've had the same thing for years.  They're contained to the first column in the mailbox pane.  Very random and glitchy looking, but as you said, they seem harmless and I've learned over the years, if it isn't broken don't ask MS to try to fix it!  But it sure makes me curious.  I wonder if it has to do with my Inbox advanced view settings.  My first column is a dummy column, I use "Contacts", but then in "Format Columns" I rename it using label "x".  Really it's just there so that "Categories" isn't the first column, because Outlook has this quirk where putting a dummy column in front of Categories makes it so the category color, not the category name, appears in the inbox.



You can customize which formatting marks are shown in Outlook by opening a new email message.
From a new email message, select File > Options > Mail > Editor Options > Display.
Check or uncheck the formatting marks you want to see on the screen.
Rachel Gomez