Feb 11 2024 05:08 PM
Our company's CRM doesn't allow dragging emails directly from Outlook into case notes, so I have to save every email to my computer and then drag it into the case note. Problem: New Outlook seems to save everything as an eml file which the CRM doesn't recognise as a thing. I can't figure out how to save an email except by choosing print, pdf, and half a dozen clicks to get it onto my computer where I can then drag it. This loses access to any attachments that were with the original email so is not satisfactory. Any ideas? What am I missing (besides old Outlook which worked so much better)...
Feb 12 2024 05:48 AM
Hi @Boah1717,
unfortunately, the new version of Outlook does not currently support the ability to open or save .msg and .eml files.
How can I save emails from the new version of outlook? - Microsoft Q&A
You can give feedback directly to Microsoft from your new Outlook client by going to Help > Feedback, and then select from the options in the pane. Select Submit when you're ready to send.
*Feedback won't be available if the Optional connected experience isn't turned on.
To turn this on, go to Settings > General > Privacy and data > Privacy settings and select the toggle for Turn on optional connected experience.
Contact support and provide feedback in new Outlook for Windows - Microsoft Support
Feb 13 2024 02:29 AM
Hi @Boah1717,
just for the update, Microsoft is planning to make changes in New Outlook regarding .eml, .msg and .oft files:
Microsoft 365-Roadmap – Microsoft 365-Update | Microsoft 365
Feb 13 2024 04:16 PM
thanks @LeonPavesic for trying to help. I will leave it open for now in case anyone else comes up with good workarounds. Saving an email is such a basic need, it's hard to believe Microsoft would come out with a 'new outlook' that can't do it easily!!
Aug 01 2024 01:28 AM
The save as option was working but it is greyed out now and has been for a few weeks. Very frustrating when you need to save as eml to keep the attachments and now this isn't an option again.