Print Email - One thread within a chain.

Copper Contributor

I am trying to print one single email thread as opposed to printing out the entire chain of threads.  I cannot seem to configure the printer to only print out the original email, that was sent to me.  When I look in the inbox, that email chain is not available, per search reasons, but does come up as a search result when I look in the sent mail.  How do I only print the original email sent to me?

2 Replies
By default, you cant print just one email in a thread.

1. Click on the Forward Button in the email and a new window will open.
2. Remove the part that you don't want to print from the body, make sure their is no one in To and also remove the Subject Line and then click Print

Hi @eJoia,


Happy workday to you. Here is another option to try.


Is it possible that you had deleted the original email? Permanently deleted items will not show up in the search results.


You can check the deleted recovery folder for the original email. The delete recovery folders keep deleted items for additional 14 days.


Navigate to the Delete folder and click on Recovery email, as shown in the image below. 


Click on the item, then Restore. 

Now you can print the original email.


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