Phishing AD in AD-Section on top of E-Mail Inbox

Copper Contributor

So I'm not a big fan of the AD that looks like your latest recieved E-Mail. 
A few minutes ago that got a new high when the displayed ad was a Phising Ad.

The shown Add looked awfully suspicious. Curious if its Phishing or not I clicked it.
Not a big issue, I monitor my connections. 
And lo and behold I get redirected to a spoofed german news outlet (take note of the url in the address bar.)

Now I don't mind Ads for Free-Users, I just think the placement is a bit predatory.
But I at least thought (hoped?) the ads where somewhat moderated. 

I am not sure where to report this properly?

The client with my censored E-Mails - the Phising ad at the beginning of my Inbox.The client with my censored E-Mails - the Phising ad at the beginning of my Inbox.The Spoofed news outlet with a Redirect Trace to the right.The Spoofed news outlet with a Redirect Trace to the right.

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