Outlook for the Web - Show total number of items in folder

Brass Contributor

Hey All,


Is there (or can I suggest) a feature for Outlook on the Web (and the new Outlook) equivalent to the (current) desktop version of Outlook where, for a folder, you can set it to always Show total number of items?





1 Reply


Currently, this feature is unavailable for Outlook on the web. The current folder counter represents the unread messages.


As an alternative, to review the folder's total count and storage usage, you can:

  • Select the Settings icon | View All Outlook Settings | GeneralStorage
  • Shortcut:  Type Storage in the Setting Search bar as shown in the image below. Users sometimes forget that they can search for an Outlook action. 
  • Teresa_Cyrus_1-1656299204817.png

You can provide Microsoft feedback or suggestions directly through the Outlook feedback portal. They have a team that reviews end users' comments. See instructions below.

traccreations4e ms feedback.png