Outlook Calendar deep link for business accounts (office365.live.com) positive (+) time offset bug

Copper Contributor

When using deep links with business accounts (office365.live.com), I'm experiencing an issue with positive (`+`) time offsets (for example: Australia (GMT+11)) not populating the `startdt` and `enddt` fields correctly. I believe this is because the `%2B` is being incorrectly converted to a space.

Note: See thread on how the `+` character should be decoded: https://stackoverflow.com/a/29948396

To replicate:

1. Click a deep link with a positive time offset: https://outlook.live.com/calendar/0/deeplink/compose?path=%2Fcalendar%2Faction%2Fcompose&rru=addeven... (Redirects to sign in page)
2. Sign in with a Business (created by an administrator) Office 365 account (Redirects to calendar)

Outcome: The `startdt` will default to the next hour and the `enddt` will default to 30 minutes later.



  • This works fine with negative time offsets, see: https://outlook.live.com/calendar/0/deeplink/compose?path=%252Fcalendar%252Faction%252Fcompose&rru=a...
  • For positive offsets, the payload in the network tab will have a space character between the datetime and offset in the `startdt` and `enddt` payloads (`2023-03-18T20:00:00 11:00`)
  • For negative offsets, the payload in the network tab will have a plus character between the datetime and offset in the `startdt` and enddt` payloads (`2023-03-18T20:00:00+11:00`)
  • I cannot find any official documentation


Threads with similar (but not identical) issues:


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