Outlook Accounts - Send always for one

Copper Contributor



I have two accounts in my Outlook

  1. 1 - Account is Internal Mail with an internal Exchange Server with no internet connection just for internal use.
    1. geral@company.local
  2. 2 - Account hosted with a domain full function account.
    1. geral@company.com

The problem is when I write an e-mail and choose the first account and put the sending address "someone@domain.com"(that is not an internal account), should give an error that email wasn't delivered, but the email goes by the second account and the e-mail is delivered to e-mail address.


What is the solution for the message give the error when is sended by the first account, and don't leave the message goes by the second account?


Best regards.

Denis Pereira

3 Replies
Hello, I believe that's by design. Can you use desktop Outlook for internal emails and OWA for external ones (or vise versa)?



No, i use the Outlook Desktop for both external and internal accounts


thank you

Hi @DenisPereira.


then you can try to use SetAccount add-in