OfficeLens business cards import via OneNote into Outlook missing german umlauts

Copper Contributor

I am trying to import .vcf files I generated with OfficeLens (which I uploaded to a OneNote page). While the summary page in OneNote shows the correct Names the acutall vcard I am trying to use has the coding totally wrong.

The version string says 3.0, but the text file is encoded in plain text and NOT UTF-8 as it should. Also german umlauts get casuled as html instead like &#252 for ü.

So no real surprise in the end that outlook screws up the import.


I am aware that this is the outlook section and that I basicaly just talked about an OfficeLens problem, only realising that while writing 🙂 Besides I noticed now there is no section for OfficeLens, so it would be nice if some tech in here could get the attention of an officelens dev. to fix this. The current state of the bussiness card import option is useless 😞


Also, I might be reading the specs at all wrong and it is not OfficeLens to blame for the problem but Office 2016, who knows. 🙂



2 Replies

@Markus Turba  I do have exaclty the same issue. Do you have any solution already?


@Markus Turba wrote:

I am trying to import .vcf files I generated with OfficeLens (which I uploaded to a OneNote page). While the summary page in OneNote shows the correct Names the acutall vcard I am trying to use has the coding totally wrong.

The version string says 3.0, but the text file is encoded in plain text and NOT UTF-8 as it should. Also german umlauts get casuled as html instead like &#252 for ü.

So no real surprise in the end that outlook screws up the import.


I am aware that this is the outlook section and that I basicaly just talked about an OfficeLens problem, only realising that while writing 🙂 Besides I noticed now there is no section for OfficeLens, so it would be nice if some tech in here could get the attention of an officelens dev. to fix this. The current state of the bussiness card import option is useless 😞


Also, I might be reading the specs at all wrong and it is not OfficeLens to blame for the problem but Office 2016, who knows. 🙂



@Markus Turba wrote:

I am trying to import .vcf files I generated with OfficeLens (which I uploaded to a OneNote page). While the summary page in OneNote shows the correct Names the acutall vcard I am trying to use has the coding totally wrong.

The version string says 3.0, but the text file is encoded in plain text and NOT UTF-8 as it should. Also german umlauts get casuled as html instead like &#252 for ü.

So no real surprise in the end that outlook screws up the import.


I am aware that this is the outlook section and that I basicaly just talked about an OfficeLens problem, only realising that while writing 🙂 Besides I noticed now there is no section for OfficeLens, so it would be nice if some tech in here could get the attention of an officelens dev. to fix this. The current state of the bussiness card import option is useless 😞


Also, I might be reading the specs at all wrong and it is not OfficeLens to blame for the problem but Office 2016, who knows. 🙂



@Markus Turba wrote:

I am trying to import .vcf files I generated with OfficeLens (which I uploaded to a OneNote page). While the summary page in OneNote shows the correct Names the acutall vcard I am trying to use has the coding totally wrong.

The version string says 3.0, but the text file is encoded in plain text and NOT UTF-8 as it should. Also german umlauts get casuled as html instead like &#252 for ü.

So no real surprise in the end that outlook screws up the import.


I am aware that this is the outlook section and that I basicaly just talked about an OfficeLens problem, only realising that while writing 🙂 Besides I noticed now there is no section for OfficeLens, so it would be nice if some tech in here could get the attention of an officelens dev. to fix this. The current state of the bussiness card import option is useless 😞


Also, I might be reading the specs at all wrong and it is not OfficeLens to blame for the problem but Office 2016, who knows. 🙂




@GeraldFuchs curious, I've looking for this last 3 days, without success (in my case, with spanish "accents" chars).. I've not found any solution yet, then what can be a fantastic solution for Office365 users became useless...