New Outlook Spam filter

Copper Contributor


I need some help in understanding how the spam filtering works.

whilst most want to filter spam out and not get bothered with it I need to take a different approach.

I get tons of spam emails filtered into my SPAM folder. Again, whilst most are happy with this I am NOT!

Because those spam emails filling up the Spam folder and also getting too many good (not spam) emails filtered into that same folder, I end up seeing myself spending too much time looking for non spam emails.

My idea is to filter spam myself.


In outlook in the manage rules menu and Junk Email section there is the Incoming mail handling and I can only select the Standard radio button as the minimum spam filter. How can I completely switch it off?

I also have an office 365 desktop suite with Outlook where I can switch it off filtering completely but I think this is only a filter that looks at the emails when these are called into the application and not in the cloud, right? I believe that Microsoft does a 'standard' filtering regardless of the filtering level set by the user, or is there a way to control this?

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