Sep 14 2023 01:08 PM
Hello. I have an old email (@hotmail) which keeps showing me unsuccessful login attempts from different places within the United States and even other countries. I have activated the two-factor authentication, the authentication app from Microsoft, and anything I could do to prevent it from being hacked. But it seems like the person is trying a brute force attack and they’re not stopping. It’s been going on for over a month now. Is there anything else I can do besides deleting the account? I thought about deleting it, but it takes 30/60 days to actually delete the account and I am afraid it won’t work because of this person trying to get in every day. Thanks in advance.
Sep 14 2023 08:01 PM
Sep 14 2023 08:48 PM
@Diane_Poremsky_MVP thank you so much for the help!!