Jun 04 2019 08:02 AM - edited Jun 04 2019 08:03 AM
So, when you're on Outlook on Office.com, you can LIKE an email, but what's the point, when no-one knows that you liked it? Works great in Teams, but it needs to work in Outlook too, or you might as well remove it. The point of a Like is to save you from having to reply. Liking a message that you then delete or archive serves no purposes, unless you're going to search for Liked messages, and who would ever do that?
Please send a notification to someone when their message is 'Liked' (doesn't have to be an email---just something like a pop-up saying "Paul liked your message".
Jun 04 2019 09:33 AM
No point if you ask me, but millennials seem to love this 😄
Anyway, no actual "message" notification is sent, but you do get a visual indicator when a message has been liked, as well as the list of people who have liked it. Read for example here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/like-an-email-message-in-outlook-on-the-web-cfd919a9-7c3e-4...
Jun 04 2019 09:45 AM
Jun 27 2019 04:32 AM