May 06 2023 01:52 PM
This evening my hotmail account wouldn't send emails, the message was a security issue. Then the account was blocked. I was able to unblock several times with text message. But it kept on being blocked. Then I couldn't reinstall it in my phone, because the account is blocked. Then it said it couldn't send messages to my phone number. (I'm assuming that that happened because of too many times) - can anyone help? I'd really like to find the online chat and speak with microsoft, but I can't find it anywhere. All roads lead to a dead end.
May 06 2023 03:12 PM
May 09 2023 04:47 AM
I have the same issue, started yesterday the 8th May 2023.. I have been using hotmail for years.
If I try to send an email the account is blocked. I have unblocked it and I can receive etc but not send.
I wonder if it's not something to do with available storage on the free account? Is your account also free level? I have loads of emails and I have a lot of files on one drive, maybe I hit the maximum.
May 09 2023 04:57 AM
May 09 2023 05:09 AM
May 09 2023 05:16 AM
May 09 2023 11:28 PM
Something strange... my wife, also on Hotmail, has no issues... One of the things that comes to mind now is that the error message also said something about violating terms and conditions.
Now I am anti-vax, anti SMART City, anti Global Digital Currency, anti WEF, and very vocal about it. I make music that exposes these conspiracies:,
I don't really put any of that in my outgoing emails, but maybe it's connected.
All I can say for sure is:
The best part about being a Conspiracy Theorist is that if I am wrong...
It's not the end of the world!
May 10 2023 01:12 AM
@ratrobainhaha, you never know. I am something of a conspiracy theorist, and wouldn't be surprised by anything. However, I think it's more likely usage, and the amount of spam that's been generated through online activity. People who don't do a lot on the internet probably haven't accumulated a lot of junk. I've managed to be invaded by enormous amounts of spam and phishing and so when the junk filter broke down a few months ago, they told me to start making phishing reports on loads of junkmail, telling me it helped them with their efforts. I think that has come back to bite me. But I also have my own conspiracy theory, and that is that bit by bit they are trying to force people to stop using hotmail, because they don't want to maintain it. Make life miserable, and even the most resilient will buckle.
thanks for the link!
May 10 2023 01:27 AM
May 10 2023 02:41 AM
May 14 2023 11:13 PM