Guest access in Office 365 Groups


Hi everyone,


Guest access in Office 365 Groups helps you and your team to collaborate with people outside your organization by granting them access to group conversations, files, calendar invitations, and the group notebook. Access can be given to partners, vendors, suppliers, or consultants—by any group owner.


To learn how to use guest access, see Guest access in Office 365 GroupsYou’ll learn about adding a guest, your guests’ experience, their permissions, and other helpful information and troubleshooting techniques.


We also have help resources for Admins about adding guests, giving permission and using PowerShell or the Office 365 Admin center to complete these tasks: Guest access to Office 365 groups - Admin Help.


Please leave your comments and feedback at the bottom of the help topic, and let us know what you think. While we can’t respond to each one individually, rest assured we are absolutely reading all of them.



Microsoft Office Newsroom

4 Replies

Are there any plans to allows us control over the permissions Guests are given? Some organizations will not be happy with Edit access and would much prefer for Guests to be Visitiors instead.


On a similar note, when are you guys going to remove "Everyone except external users" from the Members group for Public Groups? We've already demonstrated how easy it is for a person to wreak havoc in organizations by simply browsing open groups and deleting files.

Hi Vasil,


Thank you for your feedback. I'll forward your comments and question to the team.


The best place to leave your feedback is at the bottom of the help topic though (where is says: Was this information helpful?). The feedback/comments then get rolled up and reviewed on a regular basis to improve the app and services.


Thank you,


Thanks Vasil for the feedback! Currently the controls that tenant admin have is to a) Block the guest access b) To allow Group owners to add guests in the group. Please find the details here.


Currently we dont have a control where we give guests visitor like access but we take this a feedback and have this as a datapoint in our planning. 

Any idea why a guest wouldn't be able to view conversations (accessable from the site)?

