Extra email address added after the fact to some Outlook Calendar invites

Copper Contributor

I have an issue where sometimes when I send an invite, particularly internally, my personal email address get's added.


I maintain two calendars, one in O365 and the other in Gmail.  I don't have my Gmail account signed into Outlook, but manage that through the native Mac Mail and Calendar apps.


Some of my Outlook Calendar invites, particularly the internal ones, have my personal email address added to the invite after I send it.  I double checked before I hit send and it's not there and then nearly instantaneously, I look and see that my gmail address is now on the calendar invite.


Occasionally, I'll setup a calendar invite that needs to show on both calendars, such as a dentist appointment.  In this instance, I will invite from my O365 calendar to my personal, or vise-versa.  It's almost like Outlook is trying to guess and figure out that I might want to invite my other calendar, but it's not showing up as a suggestion, just getting automatically added after you hit Send.


I primarily notice it when editing invites on Outlook for Mac... today it happened twice in a row.  Is there a setting somewhere I missing?  Why is this happening?

4 Replies

@soundguy7 The same thing is happening to me! Bumping to the top for visibility.

same problem. Just had my personal email address added to an appointment I was rescheduling. Mystifying

Same happening with me also, is there any solution for this?@soundguy7 

Did you get any solution? I'm also facing same issue.