email help needed

Copper Contributor

Hello (anybody). First of all I should say. I’ve had a few brain strokes and although I’m getting better I’m still making lots n lots of mistakes.

Anyway I had an email address with  of ***** though my brandband comes through Virgin media supplier. There hasn’t been a problem for years. Until now.

So now I’m not receiving emails except for Microsoft calender noticifications.  I can assess emails (30k history of them is there) via the BT log in page but still can’t send out.

I set up a free email address with and at first I received and could send emails now alas I cant assess anything.

My subscription for my old MS 365 account is in date. So, Do I need to end my original Microsoft account or will I have to set up and pay for new MS outlook 365 subscription?

I just want my new email to work

Thanks for any help from anyone out there

2 Replies


we are having exactly the same problem. Tried to add BT email to new outlook on a new laptop with windows  11. We have office student 21 installed. I can receive email but not send using new outlook. There is no problem with my BT email when accessed via web.. In fact BT confirmed it was working ok. They believe it is a problem with outlook. It seems impossible to get any help whatsoever from outlook. Help pages do not address this issue.


So we suffer the same... sadly. Tks for the reply.