E-mail hacked with no way to access my accout anymore

Copper Contributor
Dear Outlook community,

I owned my personal Hotmail.com email for over a decade and suffice to say I have my whole life in there.

First, I receive a message on my mobile that my e-mail account is not connected to my email account anymore and then I started to worry. Then I could not see my emails on the phone. When I tried to re-enter the password into the mail app, it would say it was incorrect.

Accout recovery did not work for me as it says that my phone number is not connected to any account and that my email does not exist (?).

I hope that someone from Outlook team (not a robot) or from the community can help me with the problem.

Thank you,
3 Replies

@Steve_Z1575 I'm afraid this isn't the kind of support the community can assist with. You need to establish contact with Microsoft support. The virtual agent is really good, just type in that your account has been compromised https://support.microsoft.com/en-ca/contactus/


Hope it gets solved.

@ChristianBergstrom Do you know what is their customer support e-mail? I can't get it anywhere even though it literally says e-mail them from the virtual live agent. IT doesn't help at all!