Changes to shared mailbox not instant for others

Brass Contributor


Was approached by an user who complained that when they create an folder/subfolder in their shared mailbox then it can take hours before others see it. I did some simple testing and can conclude:

- When I create a folder in my regular mailbox then these changes are instant and I can see the changes between the Outlook application and Outlook on the web.

- Doing the same in an shared mailbox then I do not see it instantly in the Outlook (NEW) application however if I create a folder in the Outlook Application and go to the Outlook on the web I do see the new folder instantly but not the other way around.


So it seem that for Shared Mailboxes and the NEW Outlook application changes are not instantly reflected.


Simple Test Cases:

  1. Create a sub-folder in my personal mailbox in "New" Outlook, then go to Outlook on the web and check if it appears.
    Result: Can see the new folder 
  2. Delete the sub-folder in Outlook Web, go to the mailbox in the "New" Outlook application and see if it's still there.
    Result: sub-folder has been deleted and is not there.

  3. Create a sub-folder in a Shared Mailbox in "New" Outlook, then go to Outlook on the web and check if it appears.
    Result: The new folder is there

  4. Create a sub-folder in a Shared Mailbox in Outlook on the web and check if it appears in Outlook application.
    Result: The new folder is NOT there

Anyone with the same experience and shouldn't changes be more or less instant?

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