Oct 12 2023 07:47 PM
Had Windows 7 for too long, upgrades to Windows 10 then Office Apps and Outlook upgrade right after, but it installed 32-bit office.
Migrated to a new Exchange hosting provider and simultaneously with the cutover uninstalled Office/Outlook 32-bit and installed 64-bit. Created a new profile in Outlook and the new mailboxes, which synced/populated smoothly.
However, the colors and names I had specified in Calendar > Categories reverted to defaults and the default color for all my generic no-category calendar entries went from generic/gray to Blue.
Is there any way to globally change those colors and names back to the way I had them before?
Oct 12 2023 08:10 PM
SolutionOct 12 2023 08:13 PM
Oct 12 2023 08:10 PM