Cannot Search 'From' as CC

Copper Contributor

Hello all,


The title is a bit cryptic, but I had no idea how else to name it.

When I do a search in my inbox, I want to search on all emails send to me by 'John Example'

so in search I do It indeed returns all the mails from him to me. However, he does not include any email where John has put me in CC. I'm not sure if this is a bug or 'work as intended'. However, for me it is important to find any mail John has send to me, whether directly or as CC.

How can I do this?


in other words: I do search '' and in results I see both those emails he send directly and indirectly to me.

1 Reply

This is not the expected behavior, when you use the "from" keyword the search should include all messages from said recipient, regardless of where your address was added to. This includes messages sent to groups as well, where your address is not even visible at all. I suggest you try the same search in OWA and check the results there.