Can't see the title of the events in a shared calendar

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone,


I hope all is well. I have an annoying issue right now. I have a shared Outlook calendar where I cannot see the title of any events from myself or another person. In my personal calendars I can see the titles just fine, but not for the shared calendar. It only displays the name of the person who created the event. 


Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

2 Replies
That would depend on the configuration of the shared calendar. Ask the person who shared it to verify the settings - in order for you to be able to see the full info, the sharing level needs to be set to LimitedDetails (free/busy with location and subject).
In addition, you might need to alter the calendar processing settings on the mailbox, which can be controlled via the Set-CalendarProcessing cmdlet.

Vasi is correct.

You'll need to run the following:

Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity "CALENDARNAME" | Format-List 


Then look for "DeleteSubject" which is likely set to "True", then run the following:
Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity "CALENDARNAME" -DeleteSubject $false