Web Clipper: it doesn't work with OneNote created in Teams

Copper Contributor

Hi everyone!

I am a high school teacher and I just started with Teams for working with my students.

In each Class Team I am working with the class notebook appearing by default as a tab.

At the beginning I was a little bit lost and I started two notebooks directly in OneNote for the web. And then when I created my Class Teams and opened the class notebook  tab I used the first ones, from the web app, as templates.

But when I want to use Web Clipper it only gives me the option to add the clip in the notebooks from the web app but not the ones inside Teams.

I have been reading and searching on the web but I found nothing.

Could you help me?

2 Replies

Hi @BuffyRuna,

I was just banging my head over this. There isn't a straight-forward official solution as Teams content lives in some parallel "business" space which is totally separated from your personal account.


There is a more or less satisfactory workaround though. Copy the link to your personal Onenote notebook or section and make sure that "anybody with the link can edit". Then, in Teams click the "+" symbol and choose to add a Website where you will paste your personal Onenote link.


In some respects this is even better because now you can even edit the notebook from within Teams, while the "business" notebooks can only be viewed in Teams but have to be edit through the browser.

@vankyan I have the same problem, and cannot access notebooks created in class TEAMS or in professional communities TEAMS.

Will this be resolved, as to collaborate quickly this is a problem. I do not want to always copy or move to the sections or pages from my own notebooks to the ones with my students or my colleagues.


Thank you for your help,

