Jan 03 2020 12:44 AM
As an end-user trainer I train at different kinds of companies, large and small. End-users adopt and enjoy working with Office 365 more if they can sync SharePoint libraries with ODFB. Sometimes SharePoint sync is enabled en sometimes it is not at same-size (large or small) companies. Can anybody give me reasons to disable SharePoint sync? Does it depend on the number of files in libraries? Security? I would like to be able to explain why syncing is on or off.
Jan 03 2020 04:00 AM
Jan 03 2020 09:24 AM
SolutionJan 03 2020 11:51 AM
Thank you for your reply @ChrisWebbTech This is what I was looking for: a practical explanation (on an end-user level) why not to sync. Your answer really helps me understand the reasons why some companies decide to unable syncing.
Jan 03 2020 11:52 AM
I completely agree with you @jcgonzalezmartin,
Jan 03 2020 09:24 AM