Setting Up Team Links in OneDrive

Brass Contributor

Our organization has never really used Sharepoint but have gotten heavily into Teams. One feature that I love in OneDrive is that I have each of my team sites set as links in the left navigation pane. I know how I got them there, by finding the Sharepoint site and "following" it for each Team that I belong to. 

Now I am trying to get more users to utilize OneDrive online and need a way either for users to find the Teams they belong to and follow them or for me as administrator to automatically set each user to follow the sites of the Teams to which they belong. 


Bear in mind that most of our employees are not used to dealing with the online apps and would have trouble finding and following Teams themselves without explicit instructions. I would prefer being able to set them all to follow their Teams myself but any suggestions for a methodology to get those links in place would be greatly appreciated. 

5 Replies
Don't think it's possible to do for them via scipt, however, send them to this link;

Which should have the sites they have interacted with in Teams. And you can easily follow those sites there.

Unfortunately, that shows only the recently viewed sites. If the user, like most of ours, currently work in the client apps, it does not show them their teams. 


It also would not show any teams that they have not already visited if they are added to new teams. So it still gives me no way to instruct them on how to find their files in the online OneDrive system. 



What about instructing then to access the site from teams and clic on the Following action in the site top navigation?

Thank you Juan,


I found that option as well. Still seems a clunky solution. I am very surprised that you cannot see a list of teams that you are a member of so that you can add them to your OneNote, and other apps for that matter, for quick access.


Better yet, have them auto-populate in there...

Hi all,


Thanks for all of the feedback here! We definitely want to make accessing & finding team sites in OneDrive easier and the team is working through some planned improvements. Nothing concrete to share just yet but there is goodness on the horizon 🙂 Thanks!


Stephen Rice

OneDrive Program Manager II