Aug 08 2024 06:25 AM
I am a global admin for a medium sized corporation. In all my years, I’ve never had anyone do this - We terminated an employee and before she turned in her laptop, she deleted one folder from her OneDrive that contained 145,000 files (83gb). I thought it would be an easy task to restore them, but after three days, I’m reaching out for help.
When I create a link to OneDrive from the users profile, I don’t see a recycle bin. When I go to the direct URL for that recycle bin, It comes up, but my only option is to “empty recycle bin”. Here, I can select up the 2000 items and hit “restore” and it works, but I can only select 100 at a time and then another hundred and another hundred. If it goes past 2000 I get an error.
in Powershell, I’ve tried using modules Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.Powershell as well as PNP.Powershell but it doesn’t give me an option to restore these files. I can find documentation online to restore a OneDrive account back to a certain date (which would be perfect) But apparently, it only works for personal OneDrive accounts. That makes no sense.
Has anyone ever had to do something like this before? Is it even possible? Even built another laptop and installed O365 for this user - still no recycle bin.
Thanks for any advice.
Aug 08 2024 09:31 AM
Aug 08 2024 11:34 AM
Aug 08 2024 11:53 PM