OneDrive Files on Demand for Mac

Silver Contributor

Forgive me if it has been posted before, I did look around but didn't see anything, but is there going to be a OneDrive Files on Demand for Mac users?

106 Replies
I hope Microsoft is paying attention to this thread.

Same here, tested it today and it's syncing the whole OneDrive online library... bummer 😞

Today  I got new OneDrive Version 18.192.0920.0012, but no Folders/Files on Demand 😞
I'm running MacOS Mojave.

I think you need Mojave’s version 10.14
Also if you’ve not setup onedrive change to insider ring regarding updates..
If used with your account already: close onedrive And remove:
json-files (*.json) in ~/Library/Caches/OneDrive
- Restart onedrive

Hmm, I don't see a folder OneDrive in Caches ...


And Mojave 10.14 is in place

Hi Adam,


I already followed that procedure, but it still syncing all the files... Just tested it again, but no way... everything is downloaded immediately 😞


No new options? On the insider ring? Try doing update again

Yes the options for file on demand is there, but it's not working..

Reset the account and do the setup again

Account reset already done. If I connect again the account, OneDrive informs me about the new feature "Files on demand". I click on OK and than the sync starts for all Files/Folders. I change the settings, so no files/folders should be synct. After a couple of minutes I have 8 error messages, that folder already exist. Before reconnecting the account, folders on local drive were deleteted ...


Same here, unlinked my account and shutdown OneDrive. Started it, linked it to my account and everything is downloaded. Even when the Files On Demand setting is ON. I uploaded one file using the web interface of OneDrive, and the file is immediate downloaded to my Mac... Is it working on your machine Adam???

ooh, I'm not that kind of person using MAC 😉 , but I believe we have some users using this! I'll check and get back to you

I'm using a MacBook and I think, that the current OneDrive Client for Mac is buggy ...

Yes, it seems that testing the software is forgotten by somebody 😉

It sucks when it happens! MS has promoted this pretty much though so they will probably have it fixed soon!


Been running MoJave with 18.194 OneDrive version since the availability and it works with the exception that the context menu's missing.  So, at this point I have no way to share or control sync from finder.  

Have you enabled the onedrive extension in the OS X settings?

Could also try:

I was able to re-launch finder and the Finder integration came back.

Hold control + option click Finder in the Dock and select Relaunch

Great tip! Otherwise make sure the checkbox is ticket in the extensions Windows