Mar 17 2023 05:42 AM
I'm very stressfull on my issue, so many thanks for your help.
I put a several personnal files into my old personnal business onedrive folder. I left the company and now I tried to open my files.
Details :
1) I copied the folder onedrive (all files) from onedrive business to another disk (same personnal computer)
2) I disconnected the onedrive sync
3) Now I don't have anymore access to the my business onedrive (I left the company)
4) I tried to open the files but they are 'corrupted'
examples of the issue :
The size of the files seems good but I think there is a lock or something like this
Do you an idea how can I restore my files ?
Mar 17 2023 01:46 PM
Mar 17 2023 01:47 PM
Mar 17 2023 02:31 PM
HEllo @ChrisWebbTech ,
thank for your help.
The size seems good, I mean for a picture it's 5 MB so I think the file is still good.
I double check my account has been revoked / deleted no more chance to connected it.
Is there another way ?
Mar 17 2023 03:12 PM
Mar 17 2023 03:20 PM