eDiscovery and OneDrive - secondary owner

Steel Contributor


Heard somewhere that eDiscovery and Content search will only work on users OD4B sites - if the 'Secondary owner' are set to a dedicated account under SharePoint -> 'User profiles' -> 'Setup My Sites' and the eDiscovery and Content search query are made in that user context? 


Can this be confirmed ? 

6 Replies
Hmm! No afaik this is not needed!

Also see the following thread!



link to following thread ? 


I just found this: 


There’s info that implies this has to be done in SCC! Do a test yourself!
If you look at ms documentation this step is not mentioned


You don't need such permissions, you can search everything by default. In fact, you need additional configuration if you want to prevent people from being able to search users' ODFB, such as the compliance security filters detailed here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office365/securitycompliance/permissions-filtering-for-content-sear...