“Saved for later” not working

Copper Contributor

I’m now seeing the new “Saved for later” view in OneDrive for Business, but it only says “ADAL is not available for obtaining SharePoint tokens”.




It did show me a list until a few days ago, but saving items has never worked correctly.  I can save up to like 3 items, and then further GET calls to <https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/drive/following> always return the same content.


How’s it for everybody else?

2 Replies
It might be a temporary problem because when I have used this feature, it has worked quite well in both SPO and ODFB

@Juan Carlos González Martín  I just noticed my tenant’s Message Center message for “Saved for later” (MC186561) was updated on November 5 to include a notice saying the roll out has been delayed until January 2020.  Do you see this message for your tenant?