Latest OneDrive Sync Client

Copper Contributor

The latest OneDrive Sync Client 17.3.6915.0607 includes the expansion of the file path to 400 characters.  this is greatly needed to allow us to migrate file paths that exceed the current 255 limitation.  Can I get a copy of the above so we can begin testing?  There are several 100,000 files that we need to get migrated and the new client should provide what we need.  We are on First Release but not seeing how that would get us this file.  Can any one help me? 

3 Replies

Unfortunately we can only ask here about an ETA to @Stephen Rice and @Stephen Rose but nothing else, First Release works in this way: you have to wait and check frequently if the udapte is there

The maximum path length was increased in Version 17.3.6915.0529. (Instead, Version 17.3.6915.0607 contains only a minor fix.) Anyway, Version 17.3.6915.0607 is now rolling out and will reach everyone shortly (see

The NGSC update mechanism is totally independent, so it doesn't matter if you you are in FR or not (see

The official link to download the latest fully released version (for Windows) is

AFAIK, there is no official Microsoft link to download in advance not fully released version.

So, the only thing to do is to wait... ;)

each day a new release?
so my latest version is 17.3.6941.0614 , which was automatically updated from 17.3.6931.0609. But I do not found it on Microsoft Change log.


I have built my own with downloads here

But with exceptions... you do not need to download it manually. The Next Generation Sync Clinet will be updated automatically.

Hans Brender, MVP Office Server and Services