Add Title Column to OD4B

Not applicable

Our file naming convention implemented into SharePoint does not provide any meaningful information.  The file name is strictly to differeniate the files.  Is it possible, or does MS have plans to add the Title Column to the Modern view page? 

We had added the additional information columns in the Classic View of OD4B, but this is not possible in the Moderan view. 

This is a signficant issue for us. 


Does anyone else have a similar problem?

3 Replies
Not sure if this is something that will be included in ODFB since the idea of ODFB is to store personal files, hence metadata is not so important there

Juan Carlos, thought I would get back to you on this now that Teams is out and Teams is using the ODFB view to show files shared within the team, which in turn is the Team SP site document library, which can have metadata and content types applied to it.  

As we share project documents with non descript file names, where the description is in the title, the need to have the Title Column displayed in the ODFB view is extremely important.  

Any update on the plan or potential of adding this column to the default view?




Yes, I would very much like the ability to add/show more columns to help categorize OneDrive files.