trying to add site administrators in sharepoint online

Copper Contributor

Hi There,

 we are just starting to use sharepoint online. I'm trying to add a new site administrator to one of our sites. however, I see a number of accounts listed as administrators that I am unsure of. if I try to add a user, I am unable to OK my changes as I get a list of "item too long" errors for these extra accounts. an example is:




I'm ever cautious so would rather understand what these extra accounts are rather than just deleting them.


best regards



1 Reply

It depends what kind of site you created.

If you created only SharePoint Online site (using the SPadmin) without Office 365 Group behind, you can directly look the 2 groups:

  • Company Administrator
  • SharePoint Service Administrator

The first one will be the tenant admin group and the second one is the SharePoint admin group defined into your tenant.

