Suddenly access to a foreign email account OK

Copper Contributor
I got a very strange problem. I'm using Outlook desktop and I am running several email accounts. Today I realized there is a complete new email account installed and u got full access to that email account although I didn't install it. The email account belongs to a person of the same company I have installed an account too. That person has global access right on the office365 account and office365 is the platform we mange our emails.
Can someone explain me why I suddenly have a foreign email account installed and what that could mean? Thanks
6 Replies

Looks like someone granted you full access permissions to the said mailbox, with automapping configured. Automapping is a feature that will auto-add any additional mailboxes you have access to, so you don't have to add them manually. Best talk to your IT folks.

Thank you very much Vasil. Very helpful answer. Does that mean, the person who gave me full access by automapping has also access to my emails?

An admin can potentially access anyone's mailbox, emphasis on potentially :)

@Vasil Michev: thank you very much Vasil

@Vasil Michev: If I archive my emails on my harddisk on a file and delete the emails on the office365 Microsoft server, are they deleted for everyone or does Office keep a somehow back a global admin could still access?

Depends. There are controls that can be put in place so that end users cannot inadvertedly delete messages. Again, talk to your IT folks :)