PowerPoint: Revisions by others are highlighted

Not applicable



does anybody know if there's another way of turning off highlighted revisions in PowerPoint when collaborating with others on presentations stored in SPO or ODFB?

I'm talking about the feature that is mentioned here (scroll to the paragraph: Tracking changes: Revisions by others are highlighted).


I read that this feature can be turned off in the trust center by disabling Let Office connect to online services from Microsoft to provide functionality that's relevant to your usage and preferencesor.

Alternatively, already tracked changes may be removed by using the Check for issues feature in the Document Inspector.


However, I'm not sure that this doesn't remove more than I'd like to and it's hard for me to figure what more could be affected by these methods.


Does anybody know if there's a way to disable the revision highlighting feature only?




1 Reply

In the article it mentions:"Changes aren't highlighted if revision data has been turned off for the document in the Trust Center Privacy Options". However, I cannot find such option in the Trust Center settings.


Any idea what is meant by that?

