Opening Teams file in PC application

Copper Contributor

I have an Excel file that is an XLSM that I have shared.  I can open it from my desktop PC by right clicking on it and selecting the option to Open In App and make changes and save it.  When I attempt to do the same process from my other PC, it get an error stating the Last Modified date was September 27 and that I needed to either Save a Copy or Discard Changes.  Regardless of which ever option I select, I am still getting a message stating "Excel is uploading your most recent changes . . "  This box never goes away.  I can again go into the File section of Teams and manually download the file and see the latest changes but I cannot edit it from the Open In App process from Teams directly.


If there is a way to purge the temp files from Excel, I am open to doing that as there are no updates/changes I need to save on this second PC.  I have deleted Teams temp files, Excel temp files, I have even removed the entire Office suite but still getting this error.


Any suggestions on getting rid of this issue?

Take care,

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