Migration from .onmicrosoft.com to a real domain name. What happened to current users Logins?

Copper Contributor

Hi Everyone,


Our company has an office365 plan with .onmicrosoft.com domain and we are planning to migrate to a real domain name. Most of our employees use there .onmicrosoft.com email address to log in to office 365 services, like Power BI, Azure ML, etc. 


Once we switch to a real domain name, there email address will change to that new domain name (e.g. someone@example.onmicrosoft.com to someone@example.com). Now, what happens to there login to Power BI or Azure ML? Can they still log in to those services with there old .onmicrosoft.com account or they have to create a new account with the new email id?




4 Replies

Hi Soumyajit,


After you change the UPN on your Office 365, the new logon name will be used.


You cand change in portal or you can change by powershell.


After that change they will need to use the new UPN to login.

@Soumyajit SenCan you please point me to the resource you used to help you migrate from .onmicrosoft.com to a real domain name? I am currently looking at the possibility and wasn't sure which method works best. Thank you!

@rosh_mat19 We first added the real domain to office365 and then added that domain alias to all users with .onmicrosoft.com account.