Microsoft Teams Notification wrong person

Copper Contributor



When posting an new message in team I get an notification.


The notifciation say that the message is posted by the creator of the team.

I want the notification to say who did post the message not the creator/owner of the team.


Can I change this?

1 Reply
I've never seen the behavior you are describing. Whoever posts a message it comes from that person if it's a standard Teams channel message. Only time I've seen owner / creator of Team show up is adding / removing people from a Team outside of Teams itself through azure ad etc.

Also when you post a message you don't get notifications for your own messages. It sounds like you have a Power Automate on the Team created by someone that's monitoring messages and sending out notifications. I would get with that Owner / Creator of the Team and check his Power Automate flows for a Teams trigger causing this which my gut feeling seems to be the case here.