Microsoft Enters the Backup Business with a New Syntex Service



Microsoft plans to deliver a new Pay As You Go (PAYG) backup and restore service as part of their Syntex content management suite. It's a big change for Microsoft because they've never delivered backup and restore services for Microsoft 365 before. Although the code isn't available yet, Microsoft has given some hints about what they might deliver. The services covered include Exchange and SharePoint, but there's no mention of Teams... and we wonder if the new service can handle some of the complexities of backup and restore in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem.

5 Replies
Has there been any developments/movement on this?
Not that I am aware of.

@Tony Redmond seems to be more of a push to use it now in '24, but still no direct mention of Teams.  Any insight Mr Redmond.

@dfdunne Who's this Mr. Redmond guy?


In any case, I've always said that Teams is a very difficult application to backup because of all its connections. That's probably why Microsoft is not attempting to deliver a backup service for Teams now.

The Microsoft 365 backup service is now available in preview. If you have an Azure subscription with a credit card, you can enable the service through the Microsoft 365 admin center. I have the service up and running for SPO, OD4B, and EXO. I am waiting for a month or so before commenting on my experience to deliver a measured opinion about its value. When considering if this service is for you, make sure to read about the preview limitations: