Log Configuration Changes Office 365

Copper Contributor


Is there an option to  see configuration changes done by admin.

For example, I cannot find who change tenant wide settings for team for example enable or disabled external communication ?

This is not in audit logs, compliance center etc…



2 Replies

Hi @BlatniBPMCP 


In the Audit Log of Activity you can find some useful information. For example, in this article: https://blogs.technet.microsoft.com/skypehybridguy/2017/09/05/microsoft-teams-audit-log-of-activity/ it is shown how to find changed organization settings in Microsoft Teams.


In this article, you can view this screen capture: 


That seems the information that you are looking for.


Hope it helps!


Which settings in particular are you looking for? In case they are not listed in the example posted by Ferran above that is.