Linking Pages to Office 365 Communicate site

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I have created a new page (say 'about the company') in Office 365 Communication site. In the Communicate site homepage I have a section named 'Welcome to X Company' and I have linked the page to this section, and have published the site. When I click on the section, the page opens up in the same browser. I want to have the home page as is, and any page links to open in new browser. How do I achieve this ?

5 Replies



What kind of web part have you used for the "Welcome to X company" section please?

@PeterRising I used the 'Image'. In the layout, I have added 4 images. I have linked 2 images to sharepoint pages and other 2 images to external sites.. When I click on the images linked to external sites, the page opens in a new browser/window. But when I click images linked to sharepoint pages, it's opening in the same browser/window.



In the image gallery web part, there seems to be no obvious way to control how these will open.  However, when I try and recreate what you have described, both types of image open for me on the same tab as opposed to opening a new tab.  This is in Google Chrome.  What browser have you tried this with please?

@PeterRising really appreciate your response. I am trying it in Chrome as well. Quite Strange, isn't it ?:)


Still trying, no luck. If anybody can crack through, appreciate please let me know.