How to get members of groups from Excel sheet

Copper Contributor

I have added a group of external vendors to our Active Directory. Now I want to create a group for them in our Microsoft 365 so that it will be easier for us to share power bi report with every vendors within that group. However, the problem is that, the group is not static. That is, some vendors might be included this year, some may not. The members of the group could be dynamic. We decide which vendors we share the report with for the year at the beginning of every year. As a result, we have to go back to Office 365 and modify the group members manually, which is daunting. Could anyone please help me if there is a way to store the member of the group in excel file and connect to Microsoft 365 then we only have to update the excel file then the change will be reflected back in Office 365. Could anyone tell me if there is a good workaround for this problem or experienced similar issue and came up with feasible solution? 

1 Reply

Hello @Suraf,

One of the options would be to use dynamic Office365 group. In Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), you can use rules to determine group membership based on user properties. 


Hope that helps.