Exclude guest (external) users from receiving emails sent to an Office365 group?

Brass Contributor

Is there any option to limit guest (external) users from receiving emails sent to an Office365 group email address i.e. if external users are added to a group, they also receive all the emails sent to that group email address. 




2 Replies

AFAIK there is no way of controlling mails sent to all members in the group if they subscribe to it! You can set switches via powershell to not auto subscibe to groups but it's not affecting current members and they can also override this themselves!


Possibly by creating some type of mail flow rules for the external users , prohibiting the mails to these recipients



You should be able to control this via PowerShell, here's an example:


[14:47:19][Login script]# Get-UnifiedGroupLinks default -LinkType sub

Name                                RecipientType
----                                -------------
tempxxx_abv.bg#EXT#                 MailUser

[19:25:07][Login script]# Remove-UnifiedGroupLinks default -LinkType sub -Links tempxxx_abv.bg#EXT#

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Removing links from unified group "default" will remove the links permanently.
[Y] Yes  [A] Yes to All  [N] No  [L] No to All  [?] Help (default is "Y"): y