E-mails sent to group not redirected to inbox (Follow in Inbox set to All Email and Events)

Iron Contributor

Dear community,


we are trying to push the adoption of Office 365 groups but this issue is just destroying the credibility of using Office 365 groups instead of distribution lists. Some users (me included) are following an Office 365 group but no emails are redirected to my inbox in Outlook. The strange thing is that it just stops working.


Is there any other setting which might prevent emails sent to groups from being delivered to inboxes?





I am pretty sure that if I unfollow the group and then follow again that the mails will start to be delivered, but I can't tell all our users to randomly start/stop following groups to ensure that they'll receive the emails.

1 Reply

After executing the following I found that the users who do not get the group mails are not listed:


Get-UnifiedGroupLinks -Identity "<Group Name>" -LinkType Subscribers


How does that happen?