Company pricing sheet issue

Copper Contributor
I'm trying to redesign the pricing sheet for my company. We're in the mobile messaging industry, so prices change frequently. Right now my teammates have to copy an entire Excel doc of prices by country to paste into this Word doc. There has to be an easier way. Are there better solutions than this? Can we link a separate, external Excel doc to that section of the Word doc so readers can click to see the list? Should I create the whole pricing sheet in Excel instead? Any input would be helpful!
3 Replies
Yeah, you can! See here for example:

There are lots of resources online for you to find if this doesnt fit your needs!

Although I’m quite sure you can further enhance this workflow and automate it further with the help of other services like flow, SP lists, PowerApps, external connectors etc, but that’s another story :)

@adam deltinger That's so helpful! They do currently copy and paste but it comes across as a mess. Is it possible to design the Excel sheet and copy that formatting into Word?