Updated testing at connectivity.office.com published


We just updated the Microsoft 365 Network connectivity test tool. Improvements are:

  1. If a user is signed in to their tenant, we don't ask for the name of the tenant for testing since we already know it.
  2. The peer comparisons are now aligned with the M365 Admin center network connectivity view.
  3. Improving the proxy server detection we now test all Optimize and Allow category Office 365 network endpoints through the client PAC file for proxy use. This also increases the total number of tests counted in the user interface.
  4. Some more detail was added to the connectivity test failure scenarios where we can point to a specific issue causing the failure related to DNS or proxy authentication.

Please continue sharing your feedback about this tool




3 Replies

@Paul Andrew when we try to get report id link for reports we get : 



How can we get URL of reports on connectivity.office.com or export it ?

I can reproduce this error. We will investigate.

@Igorfeldman The update with this corrected is expected to publish on Monday Dec 7th